What teens in New York City are REALLY Wearing
I have always loved fashion and my outfits are highly influenced by my surroundings. I love seeing what others are wearing and the meaning behind their outfits. After reading Cassie’s article I got the inspiration to do one about what New York teens are wearing as well. Enjoy!
I love fashion because it gives everyone a chance to express themselves and their individuality. Once I started dressing how I wanted to and stopped caring what people thought I became way more confident. Fashion is so expressive I feel like you kinda already know a little bit about someone by just looking at their style. I also love how subjective it is. I feel like no matter what anyone wears there's going to be someone that thinks it dope, and then there's going to be someone that thinks it's mad ugly, and that's okay. Some big inspirations to be and my style are the PAQ boys and the NAYVA girls. Once I started watching and following them I really recognized how much I value fashion. I look for inspiration in everything. From 90s/Y2K magazines and catalogs to movies and shows like The Craft, Skate Kitchen, Lizzie McGuire to iconic celebrities like Aaliyah.
What I wear affects my mood for the day - when I feel put together I AM put together! I try to experiment as much as possible, my Mom raised me to be a big believer in the “You never know until you try it on” theory. I’m young, and I’m having fun trying as many styles as I can! There’s something about wearing your favorite outfit that is undeniably special, and I try to make every outfit a favorite. I’d say I tend to dress in eras, so I’m super inspired by trends from the 70s/80s/90s. Honestly, there’s something powerful about wearing clothes with a story, so I tend to wear thrifted clothes and hand-me-downs. I’m inspired by the narrative of a single outfit, and I do my best to represent the story I hope to tell with every outfit I chose!
Obrian Rosario (@obrianrosario)
I express myself through the clothes I wear by wearing whatever makes me feel right. Living in NYC, I have been brought up around so many people that express themselves through fashion and that has inspired me to do the same. Sometimes, the clothes I wear are representative of how I was feeling on that particular day. So if I was wearing sweatpants on one day that might be an implication of wanting to just be comfortable.I grew up in NYC which is one of the most iconic fashion cities in the world. I have gotten inspiration from people i’ve seen around the city-whether that be on the train or in the street. I also get inspiration from some of my favorite celebrities. This includes Smino and 6lack amongst others.
I consider myself a loud, colorful, fun and unapologetic person, so the clothes I wear reflect that. For me, someone's style is a large part of what draws you to a person, however that style is characterized, and I'd like to give a good impression of who I am. But, I most definitely love clothes because they make me feel good, creating looks stretches my creative lenses, and allows me a lil' confidence boost. And who doesn't want that? My style inspiration is the 90's! I have been obsessed with the 90's since I was a kid, from watching "Moesha" and "Living Single", and have always wanted to be Da Brat, Aaliyah, and Brandy. I love mixing loose and tight clothing, and playing around with patterns and colors, to make something thats bright but also hints to back in the day.