Building a Brand, How ‘bout you?


During this Quarantine, Corona has given us all the gift of time. With school canceled, sports delayed, and extra circulars shutting down our best way to cope is their hobbies. I personally have been quite excited about Quarantine, but hush I must keep my voice down. In all honesty, you can become anything you want to be after this pandemic. No excuses, right? No excuse because you have the time. What I am about to discuss with you is going to take your commitment to time. Your commitment to working hard and your commitment to build a brand. 

Step one is to start with something you are passionate about, experience new interest, open your eyes up to the consumer. Once you have selected said passion, build upon those ideas and begin to create something on your own. For instance, my style is definitely something I pride myself on. I love styling clothes and creating new looks for my friends. I decided to take advantage of this Quarantine and start styling and selling some of my clothes. You can sell and buy practically anything all you need is a good photo and a great campaign. To start off, download any platform building app like depop or postmark. 

Step two is to create an account that reflects the best image of your brand. Choose an aesthetic and stick with it. Don't lose sight of what you are selling. You also need to appeal to the consumer's eye. Give the shopper something pretty to look at. Your photos need to be prompt, with good lighting and good angles that insetuate the item you are trying to sell. Another important aspect of selling clothes is making sure you give the shopper as much information as possible. Anything regarding size, shape, fit, durability, how worn it is, how comfortable, all needs to be included in the caption. Lastly name it. Name your item. GIve it a cute name that makes your heart sing and your ears blush. Name it and don't lose the item before it sells. 

Step three is to not stop posting. During this whole process, the patience of not selling any items will eat you apart and really test your desire to sell. Persist on my friends. Do not stop posting. Everyone is out to buy everything. The true sweetness to capitalism. Freedom to buy and freedom to sell. Keep posting consistently and surely you will grasp the attention of a buyer. My last tip for you future entrepreneurs is to not give up on your brand. If you are truly serious about starting a business and are ready to start making some bank, i dont know what's stopping you. Go create that depop account and go start thriving. 


What teens in New York City are REALLY Wearing


Meet Kit Keenan, Junior at NYU and Designer!