Catching up with Hunter Pifer

by Lucy Ivey, photo by Ashley Thompson

Representation of all forms has become more and more a topic of conversation over the last decade. Whether its seeing someone who has a similar body shape to you, or is the same gemder or identity- it’s incredibly important and until recently it wasn’t something we saw much of, especially when it comes to fashion. Hunter Pifer wants to change that. After going viral on Tiktok, Hunter has been using her platform to speak on being a young trans woman in todays political and social climate. 

Did you have a moment in your career when you knew this is what you wanted to be doing? 

I knew the moment when I confirmed my first show in NYFW last season. It felt like everything clicked. I continue to have imposter syndrome about my work almost every day, but that was a moment that helped me realize I was where I was supposed to be.

What has been the most exciting part of your career so far? 

Meeting the most amazing and creative people. Talking to the teams behind the camera and understanding their vision is the best part. Portraying their talent and their work is an honor. We’re all hustling to make it in this world together and they inspire me to be my best self.

You recently walked in NYFW, what was that experience like?

It feels like the most addictive adrenaline rush. The entire time I’m thinking “Do not trip. What are my arms doing? Am I walking too fast? What face am I making?” and then its over. In the moment it feels like a life time, but as soon as I’m done it feels like it didn’t even happen. I then watch the playback as if I were a football player, checking for mistakes and figuring out what I can do better.

You’re very active on Tiktok, do you think there’s a power in using social media to find a community of like minded women? 

Definitely! I’ve gotten to know a lot of my closest friends through Tiktok. It may start with a like or a follow, but it also has the potential to blossom into a true friendship. New York can feel extremely lonely at times, but luckily Tiktok has been an amazing tool for navigating new relationships.

How do you use your style to express your identity?

When I started transitioning, the goal was to fit an imaginary mold of how I perceived “femininity.” It was also difficult finding clothes that didn’t make me feel dysphoric. As Ive become more comfortable in my gender identity, Ive been wearing whatever makes me happy. I like to mix it up. Somedays I dress flamboyant and sexy, and somedays I dress more “masculine” and edgy. Its all about trying new things and having fun.

Why is women’s history month important to you? 

It’s important to highlight the similarities in our differences. We’re all the main characters in our own stories, but were all on the same team. We are living through a significant point in time where, through social media, we have access to each others perspectives. Its a sisterhood where we can listen and be heard.

What piece of advice for young trans girls who are learning to love themselves and feel confident in their own skin do you have?

I know from experience that it isn’t easy, but it does get easier. Do whatever makes you happy. Have loads of fun trying new looks. Please don’t be too harsh on yourself. Fake it till you make it.

Hunters words of encouragement are nonetheless inspiring and show how much an incredible role model she is. Follow Hunter at @hunterpifer


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