Our Picks- January 29

Bubble baths- I like to imagine that my bath tub is actually a free standing bathtub like in one of those period pieces and I am some sort of royal princess when in reality I am a college sophomore and half the time my hot water doesnt work. I dont know what it is about a bath but i always feel better. 

Mikes Mic Gossip Girl review (despite having never seen gossip girl)- i love the youtube channel mikes mic and hae watched eerie single one of his videos. Arguably his most iconic videos are his “plot recap” videos. Hw just released his gossip girl ones and I binged watched both of them despite the fact that I have never seen gossip girl. 

Going outside-honestly, winter makes it easy for me to revert to my hermit crab ways, and often times when i am down i have found that going on a walk outside makes me feel much less like the world is over. 

Wearing estive socks my mom sent me a valentines care package (she is the best), and she sent me fluffy heart socks and I just love them. I love holidays mostly because i love festive socks, and i love any excuse to wear festive socks. 

Taylor jenkins Reid- CARRIE SOTO IS BACK! I started reading this week and I am hooked. TJR is one of my favorite aiuthors and I am so happy her new book is out, i have been holding out on reading it because I do not want it to be over. But to be frank,tonight I will sit in the bath and reed fervently. 

Ethel Cain- Obama approved artist ethel cain. I will not be commenting on this further other than to say go listen to every single onr of her songs you will be a new person. 

Baja Blast- i love bakja blasts i dont know what is in them, maybe battery acid because why are they that color. However there is nothing better than a baja blast (i will say the machie at my local taco bell has been broken and i might die). 


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Our Era’s Los Angeles Hotel Pick: The Renaissance Hotel